KIJO Group joins hands with a team of academicians and experts to create a
KIJO Group joins hands with a team of academicians and experts to create a

KIJO Group joins hands with a team of academicians and experts to create a "new model" for the industry

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation and improve the quality, efficiency, and core competitiveness of enterprises, KIJO Group has established an academician and expert workstation and adopted diversified models such as project cooperation and technical guidance to lay a solid technical foundation and talent highland for the high-quality development of enterprises and set a new benchmark for industrial upgrading.


On August 17, Professor Liu Huanming, an outstanding expert in the field of new energy and a member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and Dr. Zhou Dan, an associate professor and master's tutor at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, and other expert teams successfully signed the expert workstation under the witness of Zhou Guangcan, secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Jiujiang Association for Science and Technology, Liang Li, head of the Organization Department of Yongxiu County Party Committee, Han Xinchen, chairman of Yongxiu Association for Science and Technology, and leaders of the County Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Park Management Committee. Wu Mingyao, president of KIJO Group, led senior executives and some team members of the Technology Center and Quality Center to witness the signing ceremony.


The president extended the warmest welcome to Academician Liu Huanming and Dr. Zhou Dan. He focused on introducing KIJO's business segments and development plans, emphasizing that the establishment of the expert workstation is a key milestone in promoting KIJO's technological innovation and enhancing its core competitiveness. It is also an important measure to actively respond to the country's innovation-driven development strategy, deepen industry-university-research cooperation, and enhance KIJO's technological innovation capabilities.

Academician Liu Huanming fully affirmed the fruitful results achieved by KIJO in technological innovation in recent years. He introduced the research and development and engineering application of green energy and green manufacturing technology in detail to all participants and expressed that he would work closely with KIJO in the future to jointly carry out a series of work such as key technology research, new product development, and talent training.


The signing of the expert workstation has undoubtedly injected a strong driving force for innovation into KIJO. Under the guidance and support of Academician Liu Huanming and the expert team, KIJO Group will continue to explore and innovate in the field of new energy, and further enhance its technical strength and market competitiveness.

At the same time, this also reflects the KIJO's determination and responsibility to actively implement the national innovation strategy and promote the development of the new energy industry. I believe that with the joint efforts of all parties, KIJO will achieve more outstanding achievements in the field of new energy and make greater contributions to the development of the industry.

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